Estate planning primarily involves making many crucial decisions regarding the care of minor children and the disposition of your property and assets after your death. For many, that is reason enough to disregard planning until later in life. … Read More...
Las Vegas Estate Planning
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy or elderly. If you own a home, have minor children, or are concerned about protecting your assets, you have issues that estate planning will resolve.
Las Vegas Asset Protection
During these litigious times, creditors are as motivated as ever to dip into your personal assets. Several sophisticated and effective methods exist to not only protect your assets now, but preserve them for future generations.
Las Vegas Probate
Probate is the process by which the court oversees the distribution of your estate to your heirs. It may involve hearing and deciding upon claims from creditors, resolving disputes among heirs, selling and liquidating assets, and myriad other tasks to dispose of what you leave behind. I’ve yet to meet a client who enjoyed the… Continue Reading…
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Asset Protection
There are situations that require planning that goes beyond the solutions that a basic will and trust provide. When investigating your Las Vegas asset protection planning, there are two critical factors to keep in mind: Asset Protection is not … Read More...
Probate is the process by which the court oversees the distribution of your estate to your heirs. It may involve hearing and deciding upon claims from creditors, resolving disputes among heirs, selling and liquidating assets, and myriad other … Read More...